Concert tickets for The Lauttasaari Music Festival are sold at:
Phone service 0600 10 800 (2 € /min + standard network charges)
Ticket prices include service fees. Ticketmaster's ordering fee (starting from 2 €) will be added to the order total based on the selected delivery method.
The serial tickets are also sold in Erkkeri (Lauttasaarentie 28, Helsinki).
Advance ticket sales through Ticketmaster channels end 1 hour before the concert. If the concert is not sold out in advance, tickets will be sold at the door 1 hour before the concert. No delivery fees are charged for tickets sold at the concert venue.
Common payment methods accepted at the concert venue include major credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay.
Group sales: Contact
Ticket prices and discounts
The regular ticket price is 30 €
Discounted tickets are available for
Pensioners: Tickets 25 €
Students and under 18-year-olds: Tickets 15 €
Children under 7 years old: Free admission
14. The Fancies of the Sun King (June 15th at 13): Tickets 15 €, Family ticket 25 € (two adults + 1–4 children)
17. The Night of Surprises (June 15th at 19): Tickets 40 / 30 / 20 €
A serial ticket covering all concerts costs 150 €. This cannot be combined with other discounts.
All prices are subject to Ticketmaster's service fee when purchased in advance.
We cannot reimburse sold tickets.